Source code for resolwe_bio.utils.test

"""Test helper functions."""
import os
import unittest

from django.conf import settings
from import call_command
from django.test import LiveServerTestCase

from resolwe.test import ProcessTestCase

from resolwe_bio.models import Sample

TEST_FILES_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'tests', 'files'))
TEST_LARGE_FILES_DIR = os.path.join(TEST_FILES_DIR, 'large')

[docs]def skipDockerFailure(reason): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Skip decorated tests due to failures when run in Docker. Unless ``TESTS_SKIP_DOCKER_FAILURES`` Django setting is set to ``False``. ``reason`` should describe why the test is being skipped. """ if getattr(settings, 'TESTS_SKIP_DOCKER_FAILURES', True): return unittest.skip(reason) return lambda func: func
[docs]def skipUnlessLargeFiles(*files): # pylint: disable=invalid-name r"""Skip decorated tests unless large files are available. :param list \*files: variable lenght files list, where each element represents a large file path relative to the ``TEST_LARGE_FILES_DIR`` directory """ for file_ in files: file_path = os.path.join(TEST_LARGE_FILES_DIR, file_) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): return unittest.skip("File '{}' is not available".format(file_path)) try: with open(file_path) as f: if f.readline().startswith('version'): return unittest.skip("Only Git LFS pointer is available " "for file '{}'".format(file_path)) except UnicodeDecodeError: # file_ is a binary file (this is expected) pass return lambda func: func
[docs]class BioProcessTestCase(ProcessTestCase): """Base class for writing bioinformatics process tests. It is a subclass of Resolwe's :class:`~resolwe.test.ProcessTestCase` with some specific functions used for testing bioinformatics processes. """
[docs] def setUp(self): """Initialize test files path.""" super(BioProcessTestCase, self).setUp() self.files_path = TEST_FILES_DIR
[docs] def prepare_genome(self): """Prepare genome FASTA.""" inputs = { 'src': 'genome.fasta.gz', 'species': 'Dictyostelium discoideum', 'build': 'dd-05-2009', 'advanced': { 'bowtie_index': 'bt_index.tar.gz', 'bowtie2_index': 'bt2_index.tar.gz', 'bwa_index': 'bwa_index.tar.gz', 'hisat2_index': 'hisat2_index.tar.gz', 'subread_index': 'subread_index.tar.gz' } } return self.run_process('upload-genome', inputs)
[docs] def prepare_reads(self, fn=['reads.fastq.gz']): """Prepare NGS reads FASTQ.""" inputs = {'src': fn} return self.run_process('upload-fastq-single', inputs)
[docs] def prepare_paired_reads(self, mate1=['fw reads.fastq.gz'], mate2=['rw reads.fastq.gz']): """Prepare NGS reads FASTQ.""" inputs = {'src1': mate1, 'src2': mate2} return self.run_process('upload-fastq-paired', inputs)
[docs] def prepare_bam(self, fn='sp_test.bam', species='Dictyostelium discoideum', build='dd-05-2009'): """Prepare alignment BAM.""" inputs = { 'src': fn, 'species': species, 'build': build } return self.run_process('upload-bam', inputs)
[docs] def prepare_annotation(self, fn='sp_test.gtf', source='DICTYBASE', species='Dictyostelium discoideum', build='dd-05-2009'): """Prepare annotation GTF.""" inputs = { 'src': fn, 'source': source, 'species': species, 'build': build } return self.run_process('upload-gtf', inputs)
[docs] def prepare_annotation_gff(self, fn='annotation dicty.gff.gz', source='DICTYBASE', species='Dictyostelium discoideum', build='dd-05-2009'): """Prepare annotation GFF3.""" inputs = { 'src': fn, 'source': source, 'species': species, 'build': build } return self.run_process('upload-gff3', inputs)
[docs] def prepare_adapters(self, fn='adapters.fasta'): """Prepare adapters FASTA.""" return self.run_process('upload-fasta-nucl', {'src': fn})
[docs] def prepare_expression(self, f_rc='', f_exp='', f_type='TPM', name='Expression', source='DICTYBASE', descriptor=None, feature_type='gene', species='Dictyostelium discoideum', build='dd-05-2009'): """Prepare expression.""" inputs = { 'rc': f_rc, 'exp': f_exp, 'exp_type': f_type, 'exp_name': name, 'source': source, 'species': species, 'build': build, 'feature_type': feature_type } expression = self.run_process('upload-expression', inputs) if descriptor: sample = Sample.objects.get(data=expression) sample.descriptor = descriptor return expression
[docs] def prepare_amplicon_master_file(self, mfile='56G_masterfile_test.txt', pname='56G panel, v2'): """Prepare amplicon master file.""" return self.run_process('upload-master-file', {'src': mfile, 'panel_name': pname})
[docs]class KBBioProcessTestCase(BioProcessTestCase, LiveServerTestCase): """Class for bioinformatics process tests that use knowledge base. It is based on :class:`~.BioProcessTestCase` and Django's :class:`~django.test.LiveServerTestCase`. The latter launches a live Django server in a separate thread so that the tests may use it to query the knowledge base. """ # This is work-around since Django's LiveServerTestCase apparently doesn't # properly honor Django settings set in tests/ _overridden_settings = { # If a process that uses the live Django server fails, we want to see # full debugging output rather than just laconic message like # "Server Error (500)". 'DEBUG': True, }
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set-up test gene information knowledge base.""" super().setUp() call_command('insert_features', os.path.join(TEST_FILES_DIR, '')) call_command('insert_mappings', os.path.join(TEST_FILES_DIR, ''))